"And then there was him. Without words, he told me I was all needed. He transformed my entire outlook on life. He made me believe again. And just like that... I was whole."
"I was on to something. I knew there was more. Before there was nothing. With him I had all."
Monogram hologram, Seeming realistic in a dream, My phonogram, Analogue emotions in a stream, Wave radio, Beautiful fire gasoline my love,
Running like railroad train. Whistle like wind in rain. Bitter moon and sun exchange a glance, Turn away...
Close your eyes. Radio lies. Here's dynamite sonic in real-time. This is your life. Cradle and knife. Everything grow until die.
Here we go, stereo. Turning volume down again. My merry go, Mystical reflections call a pen, Write heat explode, Falling nearer to the end my love,
Running like railroad train. Whistle like wind in rain. Bitter moon and sun exchange a glance, Turn away...
Close your eyes. Radio lies. Here's dynamite sonic in real-time. This is your life. Cradle and knife. Everything grow until die.
Jay Electronica:
Have you ever had that feeling like you been falling for weeks in a well? I was on the verge of dying like E.T. in the bald spot in the forest, right next to the speak and spell...Tryna phone home but the signal wouldn't reach the cell...Tryna hold on a little longer teeth and nail without a hand to wipe the tears away from my cheek when they fell. When I couldn't get peace from a pipe or chiefing an L, I thought of the words of pastor Dunn when he said;
"Son, at first they screamed hosanna on the highest then turned around and crucified the christ after a week in jail"
Stick to the script like paper clips and coffee stains, Never let a seed of doubt deter you from your lofty aims, The will us much stronger than the flesh, And it only grows stronger when you're going through duress, Imagination is the factory that makes legends...Close Your Eyes and dream B.I.G like Faith Evans.
When Zarathustra arrived at the nearest town which adjoineth the forest, he found many people assembled in the market-place; for it had been announced that a rope-dancer would give a performance. And Zarathustra spake thus unto the people: I teach you the Superman. Man is something that is to be surpassed. What have ye done to surpass man? All beings hitherto have created something beyond themselves: and ye want to be the ebb of that great tide, and would rather go back to the beast than surpass man? What is the ape to man? A laughing-stock, a thing of shame. And just the same shall man be to the Superman: a laughing-stock, a thing of shame. Ye have made your way from the worm to man, and much within you is still worm. Once were ye apes, and even yet man is more of an ape than any of the apes. Even the wisest among you is only a disharmony and hybrid of plant and phantom. But do I bid you become phantoms or plants? Lo, I teach you the Superman! The Superman is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: The Superman shall he the meaning of the earth! I conjure you, my brethren, remain true to the earth, and believe not those who speak unto you of superearthly hopes! Poisoners are they, whether they know it or not. Despisers of life are they, decaying ones and poisoned ones themselves, of whom the earth is weary: so away with them! Once blasphemy against God was the greatest blasphemy; but God died, and therewith also those blasphemers. To blaspheme the earth is now the dreadfulest sin, and to rate the heart of the unknowable higher than the meaning of the earth! Once the soul looked contemptuously on the body, and then that contempt was the supreme thing:- the soul wished the body meagre, ghastly, and famished. Thus it thought to escape from the body and the earth. Oh, that soul was itself meagre, ghastly, and famished; and cruelty was the delight of that soul! But ye, also, my brethren, tell me: What doth your body say about your soul? Is your soul not poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency? Verily, a polluted stream is man. One must be a sea, to receive a polluted stream without becoming impure. Lo, I teach you the Superman: he is that sea; in him can your great contempt be submerged. What is the greatest thing ye can experience? It is the hour of great contempt. The hour in which even your happiness becometh loathsome unto you, and so also your reason and virtue. The hour when ye say: "What good is my happiness! It is poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency. But my happiness should justify existence itself!" The hour when ye say: "What good is my reason! Doth it long for knowledge as the lion for his food? It is poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency!" The hour when ye say: "What good is my virtue! As yet it hath not made me passionate. How weary I am of my good and my bad! It is all poverty and pollution and wretched self-complacency!" The hour when ye say: "What good is my justice! I do not see that I am fervour and fuel. The just, however, are fervour and fuel!" The hour when we say: "What good is my pity! Is not pity the cross on which he is nailed who loveth man? But my pity is not a crucifixion." Have ye ever spoken thus? Have ye ever cried thus? Ah! would that I had heard you crying thus! It is not your sin- it is your self-satisfaction that crieth unto heaven; your very sparingness in sin crieth unto heaven! Where is the lightning to lick you with its tongue? Where is the frenzy with which ye should be inoculated? Lo, I teach you the Superman: he is that lightning, he is that frenzy!- When Zarathustra had thus spoken, one of the people called out: "We have now heard enough of the rope-dancer; it is time now for us to. see him!" And all the people laughed at Zarathustra. But the rope-dancer, who thought the words applied to him, began his performance.
DUNE RATS - brisbane boys. uncomplicated surfy powerpoppy lo-fi goodness. no bullshit just simple garagey tunes but they're fucking rad. check them out at woodland on friday. these two songs are up for free download on their unearthed page. are great.
CONNER YOUNGBLOOD - this guys got range. 20 year old from dallas, texas, now at yale university. video is him playing 'colour blind (i swear)' just conner and ukelele and soul. great track. 'monsters' (my favourite) is an electronic, almost dubstep hinged alt-pop song. and 'girl hair' is a dreamwavey track that gives alot of sufjan stevens. he's got so much breadth to his talent, covers so many genres. and he's accomplished with guitar, banjo, piano, ukelele. 'colored ghost' EP is definately worth a look, doesn't have a slack track and keeps up the genre bending.
EMAY - epic talent. i get such a jay electronica vibe when i hear this dude. which is huge. jay electronica is fucking all time. mubarik adams is a poet. producer. rapper. concious wordsmith. and he's only 18. he's also collaborated with two of my favourite artists, star slinger and blackbird blackbird, as the group seeing suge. their single 'breaking' is so fucking dope. be conscious. hear emay. man's got swag. FFO: jay electronica, blu
girl talk released his latest mix early last week. two years in the making. predictably awesome. predicatably summery and eclectic and happy and danceable and bliss and a must have. just about broke the internet with demand when it came out. head over to illegal art for the download. and get it as one seamless mp3. its better that way. sample list for this thing is about seven and a half pages long. for a 71 minute mix. everything from 50 cent to black sabbath. the clash to britney spears. i've had this mix on repeat at work. cause work is boring and this is not. my favourite girl talk album yet. maybe only cause its fresh. regardless 'all day' definately stacks up with gregg gillis' earlier efforts which were the fucking tits.
also, if you haven't already seen it this is definately worth a look, girl talk playing new years eve '09 in chicago. the man can do a live show. can do. catch part two and part three.
she's a salvador immigrant, head through a thin wall.a frail hooker, holding her carnal walls.gleaming sky scraper bunker he looked down.laugh hysterically and then he spread around.on hoover street, then he must be alone.the precious little kid cashed the woes.salvadorian girl, she kind of made you spill.her brother mario got shot 4 times in da head.now see poor mario, he caught a hot one. through the lung, now he's done so God bless the man.cocaine moved through that system, like a river forever winding.to the last party of the lower class.even distance, just a bunch of kids who don't wanna finish last.now see the market place has changed the weight of the scale.you either get out and die or go to jail.and your best intentions splinter and frail.and a few weeks of promises and attempts to fail.it's a glass-pipe murder.glass-pipe murder.oh yeah .glass-pipe murder.it's a glass-pipe murder.oh yeah!!! (oh yeah!!!)(oh yeah!!!)(oh yeah!!!)they kick a bottle of beer and a letter.simple things made mario feel better.you see it falls on you and it falls on me.Self-annihilation, catastrophe .two packs of cigarettes for two dollars and seventy cents and a bottle of wine that's been opened and he said, "why do i do this?" a shiver through his body like a bottle of CC.not encouraging reality or me.he said, "It's who I am baby, back to it." off the deep end the record changed .you see, no one stood up and cheered for him .everyone sat down with something that happened.began... to happen.it's an old school dorm mystery.and the handcuffs bleed... it's a glass-pipe murder.glass-pipe murder.oh yeah. glass-pipe murder. it's a glass-pipe murder. oh yeah!!! (oh yeah!!!) (oh yeah!!!) (oh yeah!!!) who was the killer?... it's in the....
As I was in full and celestial flight of my mid-youth I heard a voice to say that it was my fate to lose all that I had made or won just to sink into an unforgiving grave. I doubted this like any other rumour of youth and carried on so far above all others whom I now know dealt in death so poorly - all of them accepting the servitude and not the mastery of their own peril. They were so convinced, in fact, that they would have me believe it too, to spread their wicked fates more thinly and thus less hard to bare and conspired, as plague, to rob me of my very life which was so bounteously alien to theirs. Their phantom lies of life and death proposed so confidently sung -- a choir of idiots - handing out pilfered lessons from a cardboard box. Live! Die! they wail, missing teeth. I refuse to live your folded life and die in the flames of your own death because I do not accept them! I am the master of my own creation. I am my own crooked messiah; I have saved myself from simmering damnations in a sea of sodden fools and I do not reside above or below your conjured rivet-less stage. I am too far away for that. You are the string-less puppets of my own ordained screen and you are performing very well indeed. Play on! Play on! Touchstones, play on!
Have you seen the motorcar magazines? If that is a metaphor then it is a sad one. I will be a tyrant of my own proclamations and a pike-man at Bannockburn. I will sell you jack rabbits a'shack Mississippi Moon sky plain full of night-less wonders. Sweet tasting super juice among reeds and the skirt of a young banished girl flying wild in technicolour plumage high on a cool Delta red moon breeze. The same brook breath that chimes in and wrestles with the branches of trees and the fur of prairie creatures. The dust of the bedroom floor is the dust of the road too. The wolf is a good friend and he travels too through the night. Hiding in shadows of the faint moonlight spread like a quilt over the parched hot earth. He is well adjusted to this world during which most are asleep and elsewhere; his soft pads caress sand and stone and fibre and his sobriety seeks and feels each thistle hair, each hidden player of the cricket choir, the course and the current of the wandering air and all others, the beetles hopscotch journey through hell; architect of sand like mountain boulders, and though he is not of man, he knows there is something lurking in the dark, some thing that makes him tread quickly over the open road and peering down a heavenly corridor of corn and suspect the worse, then spooked, moves on. Stalked by some unknown enemy behind the darkness and beyond the light of red dawn. With a single breath, he knows the majesty of our unreason.
The small Red Indian girl's neck and breast makes me swell with love, with night, with her grey brown ancestors. I taste the pines and conifer needles beneath her skin, the icy spring and fresh pools full of glimmering trout. If they do come looking, tell them this is where I lie.
And to those who are do not play at theatre; the malcontent, the malevolent, the mad. I beseech you to toss off these tailored robes that fit your rounded shoulder too well and pick up your drum to beat out the sound of the death of everything before their vacant eyes. Everything that is plain, that is grey must perish. To make your humble creator proud that when you fell bloodline to the stars and inherited the sky, the earth and the heart of all that is that you sounded the first call to arms. The call to bring on the death of everything so that we will no longer have to conjure our own illusive heavens.
CHAD VALLEY - is the name of a uk toy brand. is also the name of hugo manuel's solo chillwave project. this stuff is bliss. way chill, jungle/beach hymns from oxford, uk. debut 12" comes out at the end of the month. FFO: we say bamboulee, star slinger
TEEN DAZE - washy dream pop/chillwave from canada. debut 'four more years' came out in july. posted some of his other tracks back in august here. 'everywhere' is off the'cold house b/w everywhere' digital 7" he did last month. FFO: blackbird blackbird, unouomedude
HOMEBOI - 20 year old marcin sleziona of germany. got a bit of a posse going with the likes of nautic (16 years old, 'get satisfied' and his 'shrimps' remix are definately worth a look) and ohyeah. shrimps is a fucking tune, such an epic beat. been playing this song on repeat on my way home from work for the last two weeks. FFO: seekae, darkstar
i get a really joy division/velvet underground vibe when i listen to your songs. are they big influences on your music?
Totally. VU probably more than Joy Division, despite the obvious Manchester connections. I am a massive Nico fan. Chelsea Girl is one of my favourite ever albums, so beautiful. I love the first VU album too, and Loaded. They were ahead of their time, and obviously completely experimental, but underneath all that was always great songs. Some dark but some amazingly beautiful, like Femme Fatale. I love the whole scene thing too. I think there are definite parallels to be drawn between Warhols Factory scene and Tony Wilsons here in Manchester. Its hard to escape the Joy Division comparisons, living here;- i love She's Lost Control and Transmission. Dark and desperate, but poetic too. I think the main thing you realise living here for a while, is despite all the backstory and subsequent legacy, those guys were just 4 lads in a room, being a band. I think the similarities in our sound come more from just living in the same rainy city, and feeding off the architecture and the landscape.
manchester's association with music goes back a long way, and there's been some great stuff coming out of the city recently. does being surrounded by so much music feed your creativity, or does it feel like it makes it hard to get into your own headspace and be original?
A bit of both i suppose. Sometimes its suffocating, and can make you think 'oh i should be sounding like this' but you see things come and go and slowly begin to realise its all completely inconsequential. What works in the moment isn't something that can be dictated. Plus it always great when someone local does something epic and blows your mind all over again. It's inspiring.
your myspace lists quite a few authors as influences (hunter s thomson, f scott fitzgerald, william s burroughs) is lyricism very important to you in your song writing?
Yeah - but not just in my songs and poems, more in my life in general. As you get older you realise everyone is on this planet for the first time, experiencing it for the first time, unaware of what may happen. I believe the only way to learn is to read what those who've been before have said. It can only do you good. Reading is something that is very personal too. Its the only medium that has transcended all generations without much technological interference. Its totally based on the power of the imagination of the individual. Its pretty powerful. I don't necessarily try and reference it in my songs on purpose, just hope that some of it seeps in the style and essence of what i'm doing.
and is writing something that comes naturally to you, or is it a laboured process?
Peaks and troughs. I think it is natural, but its easy to get lazy, plus the environment has to be right. Obviously i have periods of blankness, but i think everyone does. I'm not one of those people though who can be like 'right today i'm going to write a song'.. It doesn't really work like that..(for me).
you've done some stuff with holiday records. how was it working with those guys?
Really good. I started speaking to Jacob (The Drums) when i was going through a pretty dark period of my life, recovering from a car accident, i couldn't walk for 6 months, and that was actually when i wrote and recorded most of the album. Someone saying they like your music is always complimentary, which gives u confidence and makes you feel like someone, somewhere likes what you are doing. Its also good to know there are still people like that that exist, genuine music lovers that do stuff for the love of doing it. As well as similar tastes we have similar DIY style ethics, and obviously because of the press attention they were getting, it shone a bit of light on me. Great guys.
what kind of music did you listen to growing up?
Pretty much only Michael Jackson until i was about 14. I was obsessed, still am. I loved the whole pop star thing as a concept, as a life. Aside from that The Beatles, a lot of Motown, a lot of Lovers Rock stuff my Mum played growing up in London, and a lot of 60s stuff, the girl groups (Shirelles, Ronettes, Shangri-Las).. it wasn't really until i was about 16 when i discovered the guitar that i started to like indie.
first album you bought?
Michael Jackson - Off The Wall.
if you could name one song/band/musician that made you want to make music who/what would it be?
Michael Jackson.
if you could name one song/band/musician that made you want to stop making music who/what would it be? No one really - i don't think its really possible to switch it off. If anything, the only thing makes me want to stop making music is those that are so good you kinda think, 'whats the point? i'll never reach those heights' aka Radiohead. But you soon realise there's a place for everything.
what are you listening to at the moment?
Still Corners, Cloud Nothings, 2.54, Warpaint, Boxed In.. A lot of new bands.
band i haven't heard that i should know?
Shimmering Stars. (myspace/starsshimmer)
website you spend way to much time on?
what does the next 12 months hold for golden glow?
We have a vinyl coming out in January on Bleeding Gold Records called 'Tender Is The Night'. Very limited, 300 copies, 12-inch gold vinyl. 10-tracks all composed, performed and produced by myself. Dead lo-fi, kinda a collection of all my demos and previous EPs so far in one cohesive package. I can't wait. After that we'll see what happens, the band is going good so I imagine it'll start getting a bit more collaborative.
golden glow is. pierre hall. is great. myspace here.
how'd bleeding knees club come to be. give us a birth story?
Me and Jordan have been friends since we were like 2 the I guess about a year ago we both didnt have jobs and were super bored so Jordan thought he would buy a crappy drum kit for $100 and set it up in his back shed and started jamming. Then one day Jordan was putting on an warehouse party at the Sunshine Coast and we decided we would play at it so we played 4 really shit songs,,,, then a few months later our instruments had crazy sex and we gave birth to 2 demos and thats when I guess everything started to happen.
what kind of music did you listen to growing up?
I think my first CD was the Men in Black sound track your sound is relatively unique for an australian band. apart from the more obvious influences, bands like wavves and harlem, who else has impacted on your music?
was lo-fi a conscious decision from the start or just something that came as a natural progression from your garage sessions, to try and keep that raw/scrappy kind of vibe?
Yeah I guess, we wanted to sounds as shit and garage as we could.
you signed with i oh you earlier this year and just released your debut ep. what was the recording experience like?
It was real cool, We recorded at our friend Mark Duckworth's Studio, which is this little home made studio behind a sneaker shop. Mark is the raddest dude you will ever meet and he knew the kinda sound we were going for so it made it easy for us and we are super stoked on how the recordings came out. how's the transition been from playing to crowds of mostly friends and casual one night stands on the gold coast to mostly strangers and potential one night stands in other cities?
Its been pretty cool so far. Most of the cities we have played at have liked us and I like playing to strangers more cause you never have to see them again and I guess the same goes with one night stands.
if you could name one song/musician/band that made you want to make music what/who would it be?
this is a tune. GOBBLE GOBBLE thrashes the pixies' 'where is my mind?' with his own signature sound but he's managed to keep the same feeling in the song. the raddest cover of a huge track. more GOBBLE GOBBLE here.
We Say Bamboulée- genuinely excited by these guys. pure pop bliss. doug wright with brothers, peter and russell fitzgibbon from the blue mountains, deliver sun-drenched indie/pop with definate winks to chillwave. if you're in sydney on november 4th they're having their 'bush tricks' EP launch at goodgod small club in liverpool street (EP comes out november 8th). russell and doug also make music as fishing, a more instrumental, jungly sound but just as poppy and catchy. FFO: seekae, the naked and famous
SIRIUSMO- moritz friedrich. frequent modeselektor collaborator who refuses to perform live except for family birthdays. is a berlin based artist (paintings, illustrations, graffiti). signed to monkeytown records. latest release 'the plasterer of love'EP came out in july. is great. song title 'einmal in der woche schreien' translates to 'cry once a week' or something similar. FFO: mr oizo, das glow
BAHWEE- californian beat-maker. part of the my hollow drum collective. 'flavours' is his beattape. you can get it here. great hip/hop beats. FFO: flying lotus, dimlite
JAMES BLAKE: electronic/dubstep producer from london. only 21 years old he's already got four solid realeases behind him. the latest being the 'klavierwerke' EP, which came out earlier this month. he's got a recognizable style and i'm predicting some great, progressive releases from this guy in future. FFO: mount kimbie, deadboy
YOUNG MONTANA: jon pritchard of coventry, uk. instrumental beats with a hip/hop sampling bent. if you haven't seen the video for sacre cool yet you need to watch it. check out his fader interview too. FFO: star slinger, madlib
HARD MIX: loungey lo-fi electronica laden with diverse samples. he's with the heart music group check out 'the tribe' EP they dropped the other day featuring COOL RUNNINGS, baths, fol chen, baths, wise blood and star slinger. up for free download at bandcamp. FFO: teen daze, blackbird blackbird
SILVER SWANS - name born from comic books (the silver swans are from the wonder woman series, each has the ability to create powerful sound waves with her voice). san francisco collaboration between producer/musician jon waters and vocalist ann yu. really atmospheric music and yu's ethereal vocals give it some drama. 'secrets' is an epic, dreamy lullaby. FFO (for fans of): the knife, the xx
THE NAKED AND FAMOUS - these guys from auckland are the business. if you haven't got their debut LP 'passive me, aggressive you' yet get it here. playing at the club house on november 6th. tickets here. check out this live session. FFO: passion pit, ou est le swimming pool
ECSTATIC SUNSHINE - matt papich. i saw this guy open for wavves at cargo in london on my birthday back in july. such a good night. experimental/minimalist kind of stuff but its got such a cool vibe. very unique. you can get a digital copy of 'yesterdays work' here, or email him at ecstaticsunshine@gmail.com with your deets to get him to send the 12" + download card (something like $25-30 incl shipping). FFO: blithe field, julian lynch
I BLAME COCO - i blame coco sumner. i blame sting's daughter. she makes great intelligent pop music. been listening to her for a couple of months and for some reason never posted her. debut 'the constant' is out in november, definately worth a look.
FFO(for fans of): ellie goulding, marina & the diamonds
COCO ROSIE - these sisters are the business. released their fourth long play 'grey oceans' in may and its brilliant. get it here. i posted 'lemonade' from the album here.
AMY CUSHWAY - gold coast alt pop musician. in her words; 'I write alternative pop anthems, I am a Taurus, I have lost two finger nails to both the acoustic and electric guitar, I can't keep still when I play (I should get that looked at) and remember, the most rebellious thing you can ever do is to come to my show and bring your whole damn family!' . these two tracks are off her unearthed page but you can get lasy year's 'love's not anorexic' EP here. FFO: laura imbruglia, emmy the great
ELEANOR SEABIRD - london based. sent this track through a few days ago it features on her new release 'the elle p'. wordplay. genius. get it here. in her words; 'It's pop and whilst I can appreciate super underground indie type things which I used to do earlier, I just kinda got back to what I do best; catchy, simple, withdepth woven into a good hook.' dig it. FFO: blondie, lily allen/karen o
G-EAZY - great production on 'waspy'. tennis's 'marathon' is a great track in its own right but this is a killer beat right here. check his bandcamp for some free/pay what you feel music.
GILBERE FORTE - released his debut '87 dreams' this year. guys been writing songs for 11 years and he's only 23. he's getting attention for his sampling, same vein as hoodie allen and chiddy bang.
BRENTON DUVALL - guys a remix/mashup genius. great music taste too. get 'the potomac boys club demos'here. stupid good. biggie, raekwon, jay-z, hall & oates, gary jules and j0nsi are all there.
GOBBLE GOBBLE - hectic. like aural strobes hectic. like, fuck...heart attack glitches 'n business. like a hailstorm, except instead of hail stones its sparks falling from the heavens.
like a sparkstorm.
and all the electrical devices are going nuts and doc emmett brown's delorean is playing up cos the sparkstorm is affecting the plutonium so he can't go back to the future to realign the space time continuum and tv screens are all black and white ants and the children are screaming SCREAMING because their playstations and xboxes arent working anymore and someone somewhere is crying curled up on the floor cos they went to go on facebook but their computer was fried just like the chicken they used to buy from kfc before they went bust cos they couldn't refridgerate their produce due to the FUCKING SPARKSTORM THAT GOBBLE GOBBLE CAUSED WITH THEIR FUCKING EPILEPTIC MUSIC.
but honestly i kind of love this music and i definately exaggerated how hectic it is.a bit. it sounds like a mixture of teen daze and dan friel.
SEEKAE - sydney three-piece. ambient shoegazy goodness. playing the zoo with cloud control and deep sea arcade on friday 22nd of october (tickets), and then back in brisneyland again on monday 6th of december supporting broadcast at the hi-fi (tickets).
WISE BLOOD - know nothing about this dude...so i'll make something up. real name hugo montiel. 19 year old born and raised in montreal to a protestant mother and a journalist father. began his musical career after encouragement from his biological father moby. get the 5-track ep '+' at his bandcamp. its superb.
JAMIE (FROM THE XX) - (curly haired dude that does all their remixes and production) premiered this on xfm recently. its part of an as yet unnamed solo project and its the fucking tits.
I've been waiting for a guide to come and take me by the hand. Could these sensations make me feel the pleasures of a normal man? New sensations barely interest me for another day. I've got the spirit, lose the feeling, take the shock away. It's getting faster, moving faster now, it's getting out of hand. On the tenth floor, down the back stairs, it's a no man's land. Lights are flashing, cars are crashing, getting frequent now. I've got the spirit, lose the feeling, let it out somehow. What means to you, what means to me, and we will meet again. I'm watching you, I'm watching her, I take no pity from your friends. Who is right, who can tell, and who gives a damn right now? Until the spirit, new sensation takes hold, then you know.Until the spirit, new sensation takes hold, then you know.Until the spirit, new sensation takes hold, then you know.I've got the spirit, but lose the feeling.I've got the spirit, but lose the feeling.Feeling, feeling, feeling, feeling, feeling, feeling, feeling. joy division 'disorder'
All songs and artwork are the property of the artists, and are posted only in the interest of artist exposure, please use only for personal enjoyment. Support the local music and art scene by buying albums and pieces.
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I love hearing new music and promoting good music so if you've got something to share please email or comment.
If you're in Sydney or Australia feel free to email news of local up and coming events/parties/bands/artists and i'll try and help get the word out.
Also if you need a file taken down, email me with the name of the song and i will remove the link and or post ASAP.